Moseley School FAILS OFSTED Inspection, January 2011 

Moseley School failed its OFSTED Inspection.

Heads should roll (excuse the pun) over Birmingham City Council's whole strategy on Moseley School which saw the Governing Body replaced by an Interim Executive Board in 2010.

Will Birmingham City Council be issuing a Statutory Warning Notice (SWN) to its own hand picked Interim Executive Board made up do gooders and so called experts?

Find out in next week's thrilling episode, 'An OFSTED Inspector Calls' by J(ames) B(rown) Priestly.

Despite having an annual budget of £10m, OFSTED made the following judgement about Moseley School:

a) This school requires significant improvement.

b) Insufficient focus on developing literacy skills and the setting of the same learning tasks for all, irrespective of ability, led to satisfactory and sometimes inadequate progress.

c) The quality of teaching is variable.

d) Not enough teaching is outstanding or good to enable pupils to make

e) Most of the science teaching observed by inspectors was satisfactory but uninspiring.

f) The pattern of attainment between subjects, and sometimes between courses in the same subject, varies too widely reflecting the uneven quality of teaching.

g) Overall teaching is not strong enough to promote consistently good progress in learning because the use of assessment in lessons is inadequate.

h) Significant improvement is required in relation to pupil's attainment and progress.

i) Attendance is stubbornly low and too many pupils are late at the start of the school day. 

j) The Sixth Form is inadequate in supporting academic achievements.

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